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Treasures 2004

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Treasures 2004

Upprop i Svenska Dagbladet 7:e december 2004
Försvara demokratin!

Jan Oberg, TFF director, December 15, 2004
Review: The Silence of the Security Council in the 1990s
Excellent study by Virgil Hawkins on why the UN failed to engage in the most serious conflicts - and what must be done to change that fact. Important for the discussion about UN reform.

Gudrun Schyman, 8:e december 2004 - Aftonbladet
Därför sitter jag kvar i riksdagen

Jørgen Johansen, TFF Board member, December 1, 2004
Deterrent Nonviolence - The Case of the Norwegian struggle against gas power
The best-prepared and most successful large-scale civil disobedience action in Scandinavian history never took place. Johansen tells the remarkable story that could inspire many others.

Gudrun Schyman & Jan Öberg, TFF:s styrelse, 25:e november
Från patriarkal maktutövning till mänsklig säkerhet och demokrati
Idag, den 25 november är det den "Internationella Dagen För Avskaffande Av Våld Mot Kvinnor". Generalsekreterare Kofi Annans budskap förra året var:
"Könsrelaterat våld är kanske den mest avskyvärda kränkningen av de mänskliga rättigheterna. Så länge det fortsätter kan vi inte hävda att vi gör några riktiga framsteg mot jämlikhet, utveckling och fred." Här relaterar vi det könsrelaterade våldet till frågan om mänsklig säkerhet och tankar om en ny typ av försvarspolitik. En rad ledande tidningar i Sverige har tackat nej till att publicera artikeln.

Hans von Sponeck, Christian Hårleman and Jan Oberg, TFF Associates, November 17, 2004
We mourn the death of Margaret Hassan, our friend in Baghdad

Nytt TFF-projekt - Nytt TFF Eslöv Forum, 11:e november 2004
Hur kan integration av flyktingar och invandrare bli bättre -
Vad befrämjar och vad utgör hinder?

Projektansvarige Christina Spännar, TFF:s stiftare, berätter här om sitt och TFF:s samarbete med Eslöv Kommun kring detta viktiga projekt. Eslöv Forum kommer att byggas ut efterhand. Följ med!

David Krieger, TFF Associate, October 30,2004
Meeting the Russell-Einstein challenge to humanity today
In 2005, when the Russell-Einstein Manifesto has its 50th anniversary, we will be 60 years into the Nuclear Age and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) will commemorate the 35th anniversary of its entry into force. In April 2005, the 189 parties to the NPT will meet at the United Nations. The meeting promises to be contentious and disappointing...

Jørgen Johansen, TFF-styrelseledamot, 11. oktober 2004
Terror er lønnsomt - men är det farligt?
Hvor stor er risikoen for at du blir ramt af terror? Hvem tjener på angsten? Hvem er nu ekspert? Er terrorbekæmpning i sig selv en fare? Johansen demolerer de fleste argumenter i en hysterisk tid...

Gudrun Schyman, TFF-styrelseledamot, 11. oktober 2004
Män måste ta ett kollektivt ansvar!
Analyserar och debatterar våldet mot kvinnor i det svenska samhället och vad som kan göras. Vi måste beräkna våldets kostnader och föra diskussionen ifrån skuld till solidaritet.

Francis A. Boyle, September 30, 2004
Civil resistance and prevention of state crimes
An absolutely essential article on prisoners of conscience (or political prisoners) in the US and on this: "American citizens possesses the basic right under international law and United States domestic law, including the American Constitution, to engage in acts of civil resistance in order to prevent, impede, thwart, or terminate ongoing criminal activities perpetrated by U.S. government officials in their conduct of foreign affairs policies and military operations purported to relate to defense and counter-terrorism.
This same right of civil resistance extends pari passu to all citizens of the world community of states. Everyone around the world has both the right and the duty under international law to resist ongoing criminal activities perpetrated by the Bush Jr. administration and its foreign accomplices in allied governments. If not so restrained, the Bush Jr. administration could very well precipitate a Third World War."
Boyle's two books are
Destroying World Order. U.S. Imperialism in the Middle East Before and After September 11 and:
Defending Civil Resistance under International Law

Francis A. Boyle, September 30, 2004 - Interview
On impeachment of George W. Bush - and related matters

Håkan Wiberg & andra, Aftonbladet, 29 september 2004
USA ut ur Irak! - Artikel med upprop!

Gudrun Schyman, Aftonbladet 24 september 2004
Sluta utreda - börja agera

Per Gahrton,, 23 september 2004
Lämnar i protest uppdraget som försvarsansvarig i Miljöpartiets styrelse

Mahdi Elmandjra, September 25, 2004
"How will the Arab World be able to master its own independent developments?"
The question posed implicitly admits that the Arab world is not presently master of its own destiny. This is quite true and has been so for several decades. But there is more to it...

Ny bog om Ondskab - 30. august 2004
Ondskab i det globale samfund
Om bogen "Ondskabens Psykologi" af Rolf Kuschel og Faezeh Zand samt Jan Øbergs bidrag til den.

David Krieger, August 31, 2004
US Presidential candidates' policies on nuclear weapons

David Krieger, August 16, 2004
Nuclear Disarmament in a Time of Globalization

Robert Jay Lifton, August 16, 2004
Doctors and Torture

Johan Galtung - August 16, 2004
The TRANSCEND Peace University

Kamran Mofid, August 2, 2004
An interfaith perspective on globalization for the common good
Conference announcement and call for papers

Johan Galtung, July 23, 2004
Solana's - and the EU's? - foreign policy: A non-starter
"Solana wants more resources for defense. That was/is the US approach. Where did it bring the USA? Drop Solana, not bombs."

Sören Sommelius, 30 juni, 2004
28 Juni - Katastrofernas Dag
I dag för nittio år sedan föll skotten i Sarajevo. Skotten var gnistan som tände första världskriget, brukar det heta. Sanningen var nog inte så enkel.

Michel Chossudovsky, June 30, 2003
Bush appoints a Terrorist as US Ambassador to Iraq
The Bush administration has appointed the US Permanent Representative to the United Nations John D. Negroponte to take on the the position of US ambassador to Iraq.

Gudrun Schyman & Jan Öberg, 30 juni, 2004
Demokrati eller Demagogi?
Ska EU:s fortsatta utveckling bygga på demokrati eller demagogi? Frågan kanske förvånar men är nog nödvändig att ställa eftersom EU:s stora svaghetjust är det demokratiska "underskottet".

Gudrun Schyman & Jan Öberg, 30 juni, 2004
De små stegens tyranni kan bli ett stort steg mot EU-militarism
Den 28 maj publicerades den första opinionsundersökningen om Europavalet i samtliga tjugofem medlemsländer.

Richard Falk, June 17, 2004
The American Disaster in Iraq
The steady descent into an American-led foreign policy whirlpool allows us to consider the worst features of the Bush approach to the challenges of world order.

Richard Falk, June 17, 2004
What is a Nation? What is a State? Exploring minority rights and their limits
A learned exposé with examples from Kosovo, Palestine, Turkey, Iraq, etc. This is one of Falk's 8 conclusions, "Adherence to the norm of non-intervention, including by regional international institutions and the United Nations, seems desirable outside of the exceptional circumstances of a humanitarian emergency."

Richard Falk, June 16, 2004
Foreword to Griffin's "The New Pearl Habor"
David Ray Griffin has written an extraordinary book. If carefully read with only a 30% open mind, it is almost certain to alter negatively the way we understand the workings of constitutional democracy in the United States. This is a disturbing book!

David Krieger, June 13, 2004
Kerry pledges to give nuclear terrorism top priority
Neither Bush nor Kerry has set forth a plan to fulfill US obligations for nuclear disarmament under Article VI of the Non Proliferation Treaty.  This is a major omission since the nuclear disarmament requirement of the treaty is a foundational element, and without US leadership to achieve this obligation it may be impossible to prevent nuclear terrorism. 

Håkan Wiberg, June 13, 2004
Former Yugoslavia in 1990: Why It Had a Bad Prognosis
The dissolution process years ago may not be completed yet, as events in 2004 in Macedonia and Kosovo indicate. Was the dissolution unavoidable? Was war an inescapable consequence? I shall attempt to translate these issues into manageable research questions, trying to make various postdictions concerning FY around 1990.

Michel Chossudovsky, June 5, 2004
Who is Ahmed Chalabi?
Probably the most revealing analysis of Chalabi you have read.

Claus Kold, 5 juni, 2004
Man må forstå terrorismen for at kunne bekæmpe den
Forsvarspolitikken stilles over for helt nye udfordinger. Claus Kold, der for nylig slog igennem vore medier med sin analyse af danske soldaters adfærd i Kosovo, skriver hér om hvor vigtigt det er at forstå at traditionel krig mod terrorismen er er intellektuel fejltagelse.

Jan Øberg, 5 juni 2004
USAs diplomatisk affald i Irak
Det er ikke så mærkeligt at det går så skidt for den amerikansk-ledede besættelse af Irak. Se blot på de mennesker, Bush-regimet har udpeget til at lede Irak. Hvem er egentlig Bremer, Chalabi, Allawi, Negroponte..?

Jan Øberg, 5 juni 2004
Vi kan lære af den forudsigelige fiasko i Irak
18 punkter i kronikform.

Dietrich Fischer, June 5, 2004
A Peace Candidate for President of Iceland
Iceland is in a unique position to promote a new agenda for world peace, based on its history of the Althing, the world's oldest democratic legislative assembly, established in 930. 

Gudrun Schyman, June 5, 2004
To All Feminists: Women and Men
The European Union today is characterized by a strongly hierarchical organisation. A predominantly male political elite currently rules the Union.

Gudrun Schyman, 31 maj 2004
Det är männen som slår och styr
Problem får den status språket ger. Skillnaden mellan att säga "våld mot kvinnor" och "mäns våld mot kvinnor" är viktig. I det senare fallet finns en aktör och ett ansvar att utkräva, skriver Gudrun Schyman.

Jan Øberg, 27. maj 2004 - Ny bog af TFFs direktør
Forudsigelig fiasko. Konflikten med Irak og Danmark som besættelsesmagt
Bogens grundtanker, indholdsfortegnelse og hvordan du får fat på den.

Gudrun Schyman, 27 maj 2004
Europeiskt feministupprop mot EU
Uppropet har tagits fram av en arbetsgrupp inom Socialt Forum. Schyman kritiserar det gammaldags patriarkala tänkande och den koppling som finns i förslaget till ny konstitution mellan sociala nedskärningar och militär upprustning.

Vibeke Vindeløv, 25 maj 2004
Ny bog, "Konfliktmægling. Mediation. Retsmægling"
Mere om forfatteren

Claus Kold, kronik i Jyllands-Posten, 22. maj 2004
Fredsstøtte på vildveje
Fredsskabelse i en organisation ledet og organiseret til krig er dømt til at mislykkes. Et sådant forsvar kan hverken kæmpe eller skabe fred. Den militære organisationskultur ligger meget langt fra ånden i FN's charter, skriver dagens kronikør.

Claus Kold, interview, Jyllands-Posten, 20. maj 2004
Forsvarets udsendte anklaget for racisme
Militærsociolog Claus Kold har lavet et feltstudie og en ph.d-afhandling om de udsendte danske soldaters opfattelser og holdninger til deres opgave. Han er overbevist om, at der findes udbredt racisme mod de lokale, som de danske soldater er sendt af sted for at beskytte:
"De danske soldater er gode til at slås, men de bærer også frøene i sig til at begå overgreb, som ligner dem, et ukendt antal Irak-udsendte amerikanske og brit iske soldater har forarget verden med de seneste uger," vurderer han.

Johan Galtung, May 18, 2004
State Terrorism/Terrorism, USA/Iraq, Israel/Palestine Right Now
War is a two-way street as Anglo-Americans and Israelis with their punishment expeditions and military intervention against peoples unable to hit back are now learning. Today they hit back, military and civilians against military and civilians; USA-UK killing by far most. Terrorists possess less destructive force than the state terrorists, but their societies are more vulnerable.

Francis A. Boyle, May 18, 2004
The International Laws of Belligerent Occupation
As matters of fact and of law, the gross and repeated violations of Palestinian rights by the Israeli army and Israeli settlers living illegally in occupied Palestine constitute war crimes. Conversely, the Palestinian People are defending themselves and their Land and their Homes against Israeli war crimes and Israeli war criminals, both military and civilian.

Francis A. Boyle, May 18, 2004
De Internationale Love om Krigssmæssig Besættelse
Som en kendsgerning i praksis og retsligt udgør de alvorlige og gentagne brud på palæstinensiske rettigheder, begået af den israelske hær eller israelske bosættere, der lever ulovligt i det besatte Palæstina, krigsforbrydelser. Omvendt forsvarer det palæstinensiske folk sig selv, deres land og hjem mod israelske krigsforbrydelser og israelske krigsforbrydere, både militære og civile.

Annette Schiffmann, May 15, 2004
Systematic abuse and turture in US prisons - abroad and at home
Schiffmann's documentation that US torture in the Abu Ghraib prison is not an exception. Charles A. Graner was one among a group of defendants sued by inmates for civil rights violations involving accusations of prison abuse not only once, but twice...In Pennsylvania.

Ken Coates, May 15, 2004
This creeping sickness
So now we know: torture is routinely used by the US in Guantánamo Bay. Truly we live in dark times. A sure sign that the nights are getting longer comes from the intensity of anxieties about torture.

Ken Coates, May 15, 2004
Denne snigende sygdom
Nu ved vi det: der anvendes rutinemæssigt tortur af USA
på basen i Guantanamo Bay. Vi lever virkelig i mørke tider. Et sikkert tegn påat nætterne bliver længere kommer fra intensiteten i angsten for tortur.

Ann-Sofi Jakobsson Hatay, May 12, 2004
The people deliver their verdict on the Annan Plan for a re-united Cyprus: concern for the future
Offers the background, the main results and points out why the problems caused by the result must be dealt with urgently.

Ann-Sofi Jakobsson Hatay, May 12, 2004
Popular Referenda and Peace Processes: The twin referenda on the Annan plan for a reunited Cyprus put in perspective from Turkish Daily News of May 4, 2004.

Chaiwat Satha-Anand, May 11, 2004
Reflections on what happened in Southern Thailand
Satha-Anand, himself a Muslim, tells what happened there and watches with sadness when opportunities for non-violent conflict-resolution are ignored.

Håkan Wiberg, TFF:s styrelse, 21. april, 2004
Även krig är terror
Wiberg recenserar Gunnar Garbos viktiga bok med samma titel. Garbo fyllde 80 år den 19:e april 2004.

Michel Chossudovsky, TFF Associate, April 19, 2004
Iraq and the "War on Terrorism"
While the Western media highlights the death and "kidnapping" of paid mercenaries, on contract to Western security firms, there is a deafening silence on the massacre of more than 700 civilians in Fallujah by coalition forces.

Jørgen Johansen, TFF styrelse medlem, 19 april, 2004
Splittelse på alle sider
Valget i Sri Lanka andre april gav støtte til president Kumaratunga, men uten eget flertall i parlamentet er det langt frem. Det ble langt mindre vold enn forventet og det forventede utegangsforbudet ble aldri utlyst.

Jørgen Johansen, TFF styrelse medlem, 19 april, 2004
Valget i Sri Lanka. Presidenten vant første runde
Det er lite vann i bassengene etter fire måneder uten regn. Men Colombo har ikke opplevd mange "power-cuts" den siste tiden. Grunnen er ganske enkelt at myndighetene ikke vil vise at de har problemer med kraftforsyningen rett før et valg.

Hazel Henderson, TFF Associate, April 14, 2004
Visioning Brazil in the year 2020
The some 200 participants from business, labor and civil society developed scenarios around the shared goal of sustainable development:  "VISION BRASIL 2020" looking back from the year 2020.

Hazel Henderson, TFF Associate, April 14, 2004
Brazil's New Development Options
Investing in the enormous informal sector, leap frog technology and eco-efficiency coupled with new trade partners - could well mean a new dynamic development under Lula's leadership - and less dependence on the United States.

Sören Sommelius, TFF-rådgivare, Helsingborg Dagblad, 30.3.2004
Hans Blix - pålitlig som en Volvo
"Avväpna Irak" är en lågmäld redogörelse för det storpolitiska spelets mekanismer och drivkrafter. Hans Blix försöker hela tiden se vilka motiv som finns bakom olika aktörers beteenden.

Michel Chossudovsky,, March 26, 2004
Where was Osama bin Laden on 9/11? Bush Administration knew the Whereabouts of Osama
If the CBS report by Dan Rather is accurate and Osama had indeed been admitted to the Pakistani military hospital on September 10, 2001,  courtesy of America's ally, he was in all likelihood still in hospital in Rawalpindi on the 11th of September, when the attacks occurred.

Michel Chossudovsky,, March 26, 2004
US Sponsored Coup d'Etat :The Destabilization of Haiti
This article was written in the last days of February 2004 in response to the barrage of disinformation in the mainstream media. It was completed on February 29th, the day of President Jean Bertrand Aristide's kidnapping and deportation by US Forces.

OBS Alternativ høring om Irak i København den 15. april 2004
Grundlovskomitéen arrangerer uafhængig høring om Irak
TFFerne Hans von Sponeck og Jan Øberg samt Ray McGovern fra USA er blandt deltagerne. Det er Landstingssalen den 15. april 2004, kl. 9:30-17:00. Baggrund på ovenstående lænk, programmet

Jan Øberg i Frederikshavns Radio, 20. marts 2004
Iraq et år efter - og behovet for forsoning.
Længere samtale med Arne Hansen om den forudsigelige fiasko, besættelsen er blevet - og et par ord om Kosovo, for der er visse ligheder.

Interview with Hans von Sponeck
Mark Tran, Guardian, March 19, 2004
Former UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Iraq
Every fibre of society is bound to be affected by the chaos and turmoil in Iraq, to a lesser extent in rural areas, to a greater extent in Baghdad, Basra and other big cities. No one is spared.

Jan Øberg i "Poul Friis" , DR P1, 18. marts 2004
Hvordan bekæmper vi terrorismen uden at lukke det åbne samfund?
Terror angrebet i Madrid får konsekvenser over hele Europa. Landene vil forsøge at beskytte sig imod terroristerne, men hvad betyder det for vores åbne og demokratiske samfund? Det er emnet i dagens debat, hvor fredsforsker Jan Øberg er gæst.  Lyt til de 60 minutters samtale og til dem, der ringede ind.

Richard Falk, March 12, 2004
A New Gandhian Moment?
Gandhi articulated his view that change, to be beneficial, needed to be achieved by nonviolent struggle.

Interview with Hans Von Sponeck, February 25, 2004
Bassma Al Jandaly & Tanya Goudsouzian, Information Clearing House
US Provoked Insurgency in Iraq - Former UN Official
The message to neo-conservative policy-makers in Washington, DC, is clear: Security cannot be achieved by attacking the symptoms of global discontent over American foreign policy, according to a former UN official.

David Krieger, February 25, 2004
US Presidential Elections: An Opportunity for Debate on US Nuclear Weapons Policy
US nuclear weapons policy should be a subject of concern to every American. Yet there exists some kind of taboo that prevents the subject from being debated in public forums, in the media, or in Congress.

Johan Galtung, February 25, 2004
Human Needs, Humanitarian Intervention, Human Security and the War in Iraq
Concepts come and go; they do not stay around forever. "Human security" is in, "humanitarian intervention" is on its way out.

Jørgen Johansen, TFF styrelsemedlem, 25 februar 2004
Tjetjenia - menneskeskjebner og burhøner
Fra et rent militært synspunkt har russerne vunnet en total seier, de har ikke flere midler de kan bruke for å ødelegge landet. Men den tjetjenske befolkningen nekter å anerkjenne det. De fortsetter å kjempe for sin selvstendighet. Og russerne kommer aldri til å lykkes med å få kontroll over dette stolte folk.

Jan Øberg, TFF direktør, 17. februar 2004
Det internationale samfund. USA & Europa i det globale system. En anden verden. Tanker om fremtiden for os alle. Danske undervisningsmaterialer
Et personligt præget undervisningsmateriale med brede perspektiver, lænker, diskussiontemaer og litteraturtips for lærere og elever, der vil se på verden, Europa og USA på en anden måde - og øve sig i at se ind i fremtiden. Svarer til cirka 75 A4-sider og opdelt i sektioner, så Du let finder rundt i det.

Sören Sommelius, 16 februari 2004
Ultrahögern bakom Bush
Det stundande presidentvalet i USA är inte minst en uppgörelse mellan olika maktgrupperingar. Sommelius har läst en bok om Georg Bush och den amerikanska ultrahöger som i dag leder landet.

Chaiwat Satha-Anand, February 6, 2004
Facing the Demon Within
Fighting Violence in Southern Thailand with Peace Cultures.

David Krieger, February 6, 2004
King's Message on Vietnam is Relevant to Iraq
Today, King's words could be transposed from Vietnam to Iraq: "I speak as a child of God and a brother to the suffering poor of Iraq."

Karin Wegestål, 6 februari 2004
Situationen i Serbien och Kosovo. Fem år efter.
Styrelsen för Jugoslavienkommittén, besökte nyligen en totalt förstörd serbisk by vid namn Belo Polje, i Kosovo. Här beskrivs observationerna.

Ann-Sofi Jakobsson Hatay, January 28, 2004
After the Turkish Cypriot Elections, a Return to the Negotiating Table?
The outcome of the December 2003 elections was seen as having the potential to break the impasse of the intercommunal peace process and to enable the accession of a reunited Cyprus to the European Union on 1 May 2004.

Johan Galtung, January 28, 2004
On the Coming Decline and Fall of the US Empire
Definition of the word 'empire', as well as a look at the empire of the United States and how it will fall. Also posted on as
The fall of the empire.

Karin Wegestål och Jan Hagbert, 28 januari 2004
Val i Serbien, Kroatien och Bosnien
De tre tidigare jugoslaviska delrepublikerna Serbien, Kroatien och Bosnien har samtliga haft val under 2003. I alla har nationellt sinnade partier stärkt sin röstandel. Men medierna har bara uppmärksammar detta när det gäller Serbien.

Glenn D. Paige, January 28, 2004
Nonviolent Shanti Sena as an Alternative to Terrorist and Anti-Terrorist Kililng and War (posted on 'Nonviolent Peaceforce')
Confronted by organized terrorist and counter-terrorist killing, we are struck anew by the prophetic relevance of Gandhi's 1938 proposal for a nonviolent Shanti Dal (Peace Brigade) later to be termed Shanti Sena (Peace Army).  Gandhi's proposal was to create a peace force capable of replacing reliance on police and military lethality for prevention and resolution of violent conflict (especially communal conflict). 

Neelakanta Radhakrishnan, January 28, 2004
Dr. Gaviria is the most eloquent and uncompromising martyr for Nonviolence (posted on 'Movimiento de la Noviolencia')
All die some day, but some die for a cause and triumph through their sacrifice to inspire generations to come and to this category belongs our dear, dear Gaviria.

Richard Falk, January 28, 2004
Reviving Global Justice, Addressing Legitimate Grievances
American dualism, "constituted by dynamics of denial and myth-making, has achieved a public posture of innocence throughout a national history that includes slavery, racism, dispossession and destruction of native peoples, continuous interventions in weaker countries, war-making and exploitative economic arrangements with autocratic Third World elites."

David Krieger, January 16, 2004
The Sunflower (posted on NAPF)
Monthly eNewsletter of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation - January 2004.

Michael Renner, January 16, 2004
Fueling Conflict (posted on Foreign Policy in Focus)
The commodity, oil, is a source of enormous profit and political might. Renner maintains that the current American occupation of Iraq is another chapter in the violent history of oil. Armed conflicts continue to occur all around the world due to disputes over this commodity.

New TFF report, January 15, 2004
Macedonia 2002-2003. War, Peace or Something Else?
Comprehensive assessment of the risks of violence and war in this troubled country. Written by TFF director Jan Oberg, it contains both theoretical and conceptual elements and offer some - not too optimistic - scenarios. You can read about and order it
online or here on this site, Publication # 65.

Hazel Henderson, January 9, 2004
Globalization and Quality of Life
How to optimize and spread the benefits of globalization to all humans.
New Paradigms in World Trade and the Global Economy
A discussion of traditional economic theories, re-assessing strategies and economic globalization
Building a Win-Win World
Linking computers, communication and social situations in a democratic way.
(all links posted on

Per Gahrton, January 9, 2004
The Georgian Rose Revolution, some personal experiences
A description of the Rose Revolution, the situation in Georgia at the time, its role in global politics and some questions for the future.

Per Gahrton, 9 januari 2004
Två artiklar om presidentvalet i Georgien - Michael Saakashvili och bondkvinnorna i Gombori.

Nur Yalman, January 2, 2004
A Conversation with Nur Yalman
An interview conducted by BRC president Masao Yokota in 2001 to discuss the conflict in the Middle East and long-term solutions for peace.

Sören Sommelius, 2 januari, 2004
Jugoslavien är värt en mera seriös debatt
Genom att studera de jugoslaviska krigen kan vi skapa viktiga redskap för att motarbeta andra krig och minska risken för att breda opinioner accepterar propagandans förenklade fiendebilder.

David Krieger, January 2, 2004
Looking Back on 2003
A description of some of the important events and trends we witnessed during the past year.

Robert Jay Lifton, January 2, 2004
American Apocalypse (The Nation)
A new kind of violence has been spawned by the apocalyptic imagination, especially between Islamist and American forces.

Francis Boyle, January 2, 2004
O Little Town of Bethlehem (CounterPunch)
"Go out and do something to help the Palestinians!"




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