Born in Jersey, Channel Islands in 1969, my interest in political matters and social justice probably first manifest when I organized for food to be collected and sent to Africa as part of Sir Bob Geldof's Live Aid campaign in the 1980s. After that political science was one of the subjects I chose for my school leaving examinations. Then during my BA in French and Spanish, which I took at Leeds University in the U.K., I opted for the political and economic component courses and wrote my French thesis on the student strikes in France at the end of 1990. Fluent in French, Spanish and Italian, my love of language both spoken and written has stimulated me to travel extensively and learn through experiencing life in other cultures. The 2 years spent in Osaka, Japan (1992-1994), marked the start of my quest for greater clarification on the meaning of existence itself. From 1994-1996, I taught computer studies in Jersey at the Pitman Training Centre, Highlands College of Higher Education as well as within various departments of the Jersey State government. From 1996-2001, I worked as a freelance trainer in the natural health industry, teaching Reiki, meditation and healthy living practices at adult education centres, the American Air Force base in Lakenheath as well as to private groups. From January 2001 until I left the UK in June 2002, I worked as the Project Development Manager for Holistic Living, a company which promotes the incorporation by enterprises of natural therapies and healthy lifestyle practices for employees in the workplace. In October 2002, I began working for the Green Cross in Switzerland. The Green Cross is a non-governmental organisation founded by Mikhail Gorbachev. Although the organisation works in more than one environmental field, in Switzerland we are focused on public outreach in the chemical weapons disarmament process. Green Cross Switzerland, in collaboration with Green Cross Russia, provides local citizens in stockpile communities in Russia with information on the Russian chemical weapons disarmament programme, holds emergency preparedness training and organizes an annual National Dialogue in Moscow which is attended by all stakeholders in the Russian chemical demilitarization process. In 2005, I completed an MA in Peace and Conflict Studies at the European Peace University in Stadtschlaining, Austria. My focus of interests lies in human duties and responsibilities and global ethics as well as in new forms of democratic participation and social structures reflecting a new world order based on compassion and altruism. Since September 2006, I have been working in the occupied Palestinian territory. For the first 10 months, I was a Communications Officer for the Holy Land Trust, a Palestinian NGO focused on non-violence training. I then spent a year as a Public Information Officer and Website Editor with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). Since July 2008, I have been a consultant with the International Management Group (IMG). As part of IMG's capacity-building programme in the Palestinian Ministry of Education (MoEHE) in Ramallah, I have designed and am now teaching a report writing course to division heads and key staff in the MoEHE's Directorates-General. Vicky Samantha Rossi became a TFF Associate in 2005. That's also when she began working on a series of interviews with peace visionairies around the world. See them here. She served a couple of years as Board member of the foundation until July 2009 and remains an Associate.
Articles by Vicky Samantha Rossi The most recent on top. For those published after November 2006, you may alse see Rossi's own section on this site. April 21, 2009 December 31, 2008 Vicky Samantha Rossi, April 9, 2008 April 6, 2008 March 4, 2008 December 2, 2007 December 2, 2007 June 27, 2007 June 11, 2007 February 16, 2007 January 31, 2007 Interview, November-December 2006 Interview, November-December 2006 Interview, November-December 2006 Interview, November-December 2006 November 29, 2006 November 28, 2006 November
12, 2006 September 5, 2006 Vicky Rossi interview, May
22, 2006 Vicky Rossi interview, April
21, 2006 Vicky Rossi interview, March
1, 2006 Vicky Rossi interview,
January 8, 2006 Vicky Rossi interview,
December 4, 2005 Vicky Rossi, TFF Peace
Antenna, September 21, 2005 Vicky Rossi, TFF Peace
Antenna, July 29, 2005 Vicky Rossi, TFF Antenna,
May 24, 2005 (pdf 615 KB) In
pursuit of peace |
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