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Maj Britt Theorin

Born 1932. Former member of the European Parliament - Chairperson of the Committee on Women's Rights and Equal Opportunities; deputy member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Security and Defence Policy.
Ms. Theorin has devoted her political life to disarmament, social justice and the advancement of women. She has been Chairperson of the World Women Parliamentarians 1985-86 and President of Parliamentarians for Global Action since 1995. She chaired the Swedish Disarmament Commission 1982-91 and serves also today as Chairperson of the International Peace Bureau.
She chaired the UN's Commission of Experts on Nuclear Weapons 1989-90 and the UN's Expert Committee on the Reallocation of Military Spending to the Environment 1990-91. She chaired the UN's Commission of Experts on Equality and the Agenda for Peace 1994 and was a member of the Canberrra Commission on the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons 1995-96.
She holds an honorary doctor's degree at the University of Gothenberg.

Ms. Theorin joined TFF as adviser in 1999.


Upplandsgatan 19 B, S - 113 60 Stockholm, Sweden (home)


+ 46 - 8 - 34 64 30 (home)
Mobile + 46 70 586 43 60


+ 46 - 8- 20 57 95 or 34 63 40 (home)


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Articles by Maj - Britt Theorin

The most recent on top

Maj Britt Theorin, February 28. 2011
Can small countries really have an impact on peace and disarmament?

Published on the 25th Anniversary of Olof Palme's death

Maj Britt Theorin, February 28, 2011
A Swedish critique of the war in Afghanistan

Dagens Nyheter, 4:e september 2008
Ta hem våra soldater från Afghanistan
Svensk trupp i Afghanistan står under Nato:s kommando. De svenska soldaterna bär Nato:s emblem och tvingas följa "rules-of-engagement" som vore otänkbara under ett rent FN-uppdrag.

Välj mångfaldens Europa (i SvD)

EMU är en kvinnofälla (i Aftonbladet)

Utplåna grunden för terrorismen

Vi ska exportera fred - inte mer våld
Med Ingrid Segerstedt-Wiberg

Neutrala - om vi känner för det

Bär det vita bandet, Göran!

Utan kvinnor ingen fred

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