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Christian Hårleman

Mr. Christian Hårleman, born 1938, (Lieutenant Colonel, Rtd) serves as an international consultant in the fields of peace, security and development in Latin America, Central Europe and Africa in general He has served as an Adviser in the development of Guatemalan Institute for Peace and Development (GIPD).

In 1996-97 Harleman served in similar capacity to the Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the establishment of the Ethiopian International Institute for Peace and Development (EIIPD) and between 1992-95 he served at the United Nations, New York as Senior Training Adviser. He is currently involved in a project concerning the establishment of similar institutes in Malta and Zimbabwe and the development of a Conflict Management and Peace Monitoring system in Central America..

Mr. Hårleman is appointed as a Senior Adviser to the Institute of World Affairs, Washington D.C; Senior Special Fellow at the United Nations Institute for Training and Research, Geneva; Senior Fellow of the Pearson Peacekeeping Centre, Nova Scotia; and Senior Associate to Instituto de Relaciones Internacionales y de Investigaciones para la Paz, Guatemala City. Hårleman is one of the Founding Members (Asamblea de Fundadores) of GIPD and in 1998 he was appointed as a Member of the Board of Directors (Consejo de Dirección).

Hårleman was commissioned 1963 as an officer at the Royal Life Guard in Sweden and left the Army in 1989. He graduated from the Swedish Military Staff College (72-73), university trained in International Relations and in Int. Humanitarian Law at Stockholm University and in Emergency Management at the University of Wisconsin. He has published several articles on the subjects of peacekeeping and peacemaking.

Christian Hårleman joined TFF as adviser in 1999 and became member of the TFF board in spring 2001 and chairman of the board in 2003.


Burevägen 11, S - 182 63 Djursholm, Sweden


+ 46 8 755 99 54


+ 46 8 755 24 33


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Articles by Christian Hårleman

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Frågor efter ett Krig

Iraks arme på pappret, på film - och i verkligheten

Öppet Brev till Anna Lindh
Med Jan Öberg

Civilian Peace-Keepers - a Future Challenge

Peaceful Europe, Nonkilling Europe - Something different

Miljardbataljonen: Är Sveriges satsning i Kosovo genomtänkt?










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